Beverly Hills, CA

Church of the Good Shepherd

Opus 151


  1. 16' Bourdon
  2. 8' Diapason
  3. 8' Spitzfloete
  4. 8' Chimney Flute
  5. 4' Octave
  6. 4' Harmonic Flute
  7. 2 2/3' Twelfth
  8. 2' Fifteenth
  9. 1 3/5' Seventeenth
  10. IV-VI Mixture
  11. 8' Trumpet
  1. 8' Viola
  2. 8' Gedackt
  3. 8' Celeste
  4. 4' Octave
  5. 4' Recorder
  6. 2' Gemshorn
  7. 1 1/3' Larigot
  8. III Cornet
  9. III Mixture
  10. 8' Cremona
  11. 8' Oboe
  1. 16' Stopt Bass
  2. 16' Bourdon
  3. 8' Open Bass
  4. 8' Gedackt
  5. 4' Octave
  6. 16' Trombone
  7. 8' Trumpet
