Madison, MS

Chapel of the Cross

Opus 165


  1. 16 Bourdon
  2. 8 Diapason
  3. 8 Chimney Flute
  4. 8 Viola
  5. 4 Octave
  6. 4 Recorder
  7. 2 Fifteenth
  8. 2 Flute
  9. 1 1/3 Mixture III
  10. 8 Trumpet
  1. 8 Viola
  2. 8 Chimney Flute
  3. 4 Octave
  4. 4 Recorder
  5. 2 2/3 Quint
  6. 2 Flute
  7. 1 3/5 Tierce
  8. 8 Chamade (Ten C)
  1. 16 Violone
  2. 16 Subbass
  3. 8 Open Bass
  4. 16 Posaune
  1. II/I
  2. I/ Pedal
  3. II/Pedal


Manual C-a'”/ Pedal C-f’

All manual stops except the Diapason 8′ and the Chamade 8′ are enclosed.

Manual I and Manual II share five common stops.
