Berkeley, CA

Alfred Hertz Memorial Concert Hall - University of California

Opus 98


  1. 16' Bourdon
  2. 8' Principal
  3. 8' Second Principal
  4. 8' Chimney Flute
  5. 4' Octave
  6. 4' Recorder
  7. 2 2/3' Twelfth
  8. 2' Fifteenth
  9. 1 3/5' Seventeenth
  10. IV-VI Mixture
  11. 8' Trumpet
  12. 4' Clarion
  1. 8' Gedackt
  2. 8' Quintadena
  3. 4' Prestant
  4. 2' Gemshorn
  5. II Sesquialtera
  6. III Sharp
  7. 16' Bassoon
  8. 8' Cremona
  1. 8' Stopt Flute
  2. 8' Viola
  3. 4' Violin
  4. 4' Chimney Flute
  5. 2' Principal
  6. 1 1/3' Quinte
  7. III Cornet
  8. 8' Hautbois
  1. 16' Contrabass
  2. 16' Stopt Bass
  3. 8' Open Bass
  4. 4' Choral Bass
  5. 16' Trombone
  6. 8' Trumpet
  7. 4' Trumpet


This organ was originally built for the Cathedral Church of St. John, Wilmington, Delaware. The University of California purchased the instrument after the closing of the Cathedral in 2012.
