Wilmington, DE

Cathedral St John

Opus 98


  1. 16' Bourdon
  2. 8' Principal
  3. 8' Second Principal
  4. 8' Chimney Flute
  5. 4' Octave
  6. 4' Recorder
  7. 2 2/3' Nazard
  8. 2' Doublette
  9. 1 3/5' Tierce
  10. IV-VI Mixture
  11. 8' trumpet
  12. 4' Clarion
  1. 8' Gedackt
  2. 4' Praestant
  3. 2' Gemshorn
  4. 2 2/3' Sesquialtera II
  5. III Sharp
  6. 8' Cremona
  1. 8' Stopt Flute
  2. 4' Chimney Flute
  3. 2' Principal
  4. 1 1/3' Quinte
  5. 2 2/3' Cornet III (Mid C)
  6. 8' Hautbois
  1. 16' Stopt Bass
  2. 8' Open Bass
  3. 4' Choral Bass
  4. 16' Trombone
  5. 8' Trumpet
  6. 4' Clarion
  1. Positive to Great
  2. Swell to Great
  3. Swell to Positive
  4. Great to Pedal
  5. Positive to Pedal
  6. Tremolo


Manual C-g'”

Pedal C-f’

Balanced Swell shoe

Case of solid white oak

mechanical combination pedal affecting Great and Pedal stops (with rotating drawstop knobs)


This organ was transferred in 2013 to Hertz Hall at the University of California Berkeley with minimal modifications except the addition of a Pedal 16′ Open wood stop,
